The Totty Boat: A grumpy uncle writes a letter to his young nephew offering advice on the stuff that matters.

In his letter the uncle reflects on his decades of ‘lady-play’ and advises on how to grapple with the cultural and personal expectations of the modern world. Invoking Einstein, he describes life in terms of ‘space-time’ and ‘space-invaders’. Speaking of the five ‘totty-types’ that have invaded his own space and time over the years, he articulates them as: the car workshop, the black silk dress, the satin sheets, the orange grove and the forest stream. Finally, he describes how the ‘beach of life’ is finite and alludes to the importance of preparing for ocean passage.

The only game in town is sailing. Establish your totty-types and, know this, the totty boat will sail.

Approx. words: 2,500     Published: August 2015

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Also available in Collected Stories: Volume One.



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