Don't know why I'm writing this; nobody's listening. Zero likes. [Sigh]
The first stories are now uploaded to Amazon, Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and the iTunes Bookstore. Thanks to Grace Fussell Design for the design work and Sonja Nagy for the illustrations for a selection of book covers. Thanks also to Grace for being my one follower. Early followers will get a special mention, so get in line.
Have been busy with some other (serious writing) work, but hope to have a blast on stories to catch up. A 'Collected Stories' will be available by the end of the year (2015). I have already identified the ten or so stories I hope to publish in 2016. Also, I am pleased to announce the arrival of 'Nigel' - a story that has been haunting me for a few years. I hope to publish Part 1 of a trilogy before the end of 2016.
Wish me luck. Yrs, DOZ